Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hanson (10/14/09)

October 14, 2009-- Hanson
House of Blues, Boston, MA

American Idols Live (9/15/09)

September 15, 2009-- American Idols
Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH

Chad Perrone (9/4/09)

09-04-09-- Chad Perrone
Rock and Blues Cruise, Boston, MA

The AMAZING booze cruise. Let's just say the combination of lots of alcohol, a beautiful summer night, a boat in the middle of the Boston harbor with the city skyline as the backdrop, and the amazing music of both Chad Perrone and Tim Blane made for the best night of the summer by far. Lauren and I rocked out front row to Chad and had so much fun. Nothing like a boat full of people singing "Awake in the Morning."

Britney Spears (8/29/09)

August 29, 2009-- Britney Spears
TDBank Garden, Boston, MA

The BEST suprise ever!!!!!!
Through some "connections" I have a friend that was able to get me a pair of FREE tickets to this Britney show. I found out 3 days before the show, and was totally and completely NOT expecting it. What an amazing moment it was when I got that email.
Our seats were AWESOME. 14th row on the side, right near one of the smaller side stages. I think I liked this show even better the second time around. Britney seemed more into it, happier and was hitting all the right dance moves. She's my girl and I love her!!

American Idols Live (8/18/09)

August 18, 2009-- American Idols
TDBank Garden, Boston, MA

The day had finally come for me to meet my husband, Danny Gokey. Or so I thought.
It was the hottest day of the Summer in Boston. Allie and I were well equipped with battery powered fans, sunglasses, sunscreen and of course, our cameras. We got to the Garden early, knowing that the Idols came out to greet fans and take pictures. There were a bunch of crazed fans waiting there already, including 60-year old Glambert cougars, a diehard Megan fan, and some people that actually knew who Michael Sarver was. We made friends with the first girls in line so we could cut them, and flirted with the young security guard in order to be closer to the gate entrance. If all had gone according to plan, we would have met all of the Idols first, and scored the most time with them.
Then the tragic news came. Through a tweet. From that damn Michael Sarver.
"We are so sorry but the venue security won't let us come out there and meet the fans. We don't want you guys waiting out there for nothing."
ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The ONE city that they don't come out and meet the fans happens to be Boston?!?!?! No. Friking. Way.
We walked away depressed, let-down, and with near heat-strokes. We decided to treat ourselves to a yummy lunch and enjoyed our time in Boston until the show.
The actual concert was AWESOME. Matt Giraurd completely impressed me. Allison rocked it, and I had a mild heart-attack when Danny came out. Of course Adam Lambert stole the show, with all his glitter and fabulous body-rolls. Allie was left saying "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"
Kris Allen who?

Blink 182 and Fall Out Boy (8/6/09)

August 6, 2009-- Blink 182 and Fall Out Boy
Comcast Center, Mansfield, MA

Being the ONLY sober people at this show, sitting on the lawn in a cloud of weed, and Sarah having the flu didn't make this the best concert, but we got the tickets on sale so it was no big loss. Loved seeing Blink 182-- another band from the 90's the reunited.

Paul McCartney (8/5/09)

August 5, 2009-- Paul McCartney
Fenway Park, Boston, MA

I don't know if I could ever describe the impact that this concert made on me. It was like experiencing heaven on earth for a couple hours.